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One of the first things a man notices upon vaginal entry of his penis into the vagina is the sensation of heat. A burning heat that the penis feels as if it were just put into a fiery oven. What does this have to do with the dynamics of the sexual act? ™

Most people are taught that there are only Five Senses - Touch, Taste, Smell, Sight, and Hearing. This is a bit sophomoric in its teachings, as there are many more senses than just these basic five. The list is quite long and more senses are being discovered as we begin to further understand how the body really operates. For example, here are a few senses most people never realize even existed: Temperature, Two-Point Discrimination, Stretch, Pain, etc.

It is said by ancient Hindu belief that - "The vulva is an altar and the pubic hairs are the flames upon the altar." The vulva is defined as a woman's genitals. The "flames" are an outward representation of what lies inside the vulva - Fire.

Now back to the different senses the human body is capable of interpreting: One of those is Temperature - be it Hot or Cold. As the penis hangs outside of the body, its temperature is less than average body temperature. As the vagina lies inside of the body, its temperature is hotter than the penis.

When the penis enters the vagina, it is suddenly in an environment that is much hotter than the environment the penis is used to. This triggers temperature-pleasure receptors in the penis. Meaning that the penis can sense, neurologically, the change in temperature upon entering the vagina. These nervous-temperature receptors are also pleasure receptors and men will feel immediate pleasure upon having their penis enter the vagina.

Why is the sensation of heat so apparent and wonderful during the sexual act? Heat is a naturally-based sedative that gives a person a feeling of having a tranquilizer effect. In other words it relieves anxiety, stress, and helps calm a person. While we all want to be active and dynamic during the sexual process, this added measure of vaginal heat instantly makes us feel safe, relaxed, and worry-free; even though we are experiencing the highly-exciting state of having sex.

Why does this "heat" sensation feel so good? That's a good question. It may have relevance by taking the male back to the time when he was in his mother's womb - When he was safe, warm, and protected. Possibly the sexual act of intercourse (for the male) allows him to re-visit his embryonic state. A period in his life when he was warm, had no debts or bills, no worries about food or shelter or trying to earn a living; and was looked after and taken care of by someone (indirectly) who loved him. Imagine the penis, upon entering the warmth of the vagina - it's the same as the infant who is warmthed by the womb. But life must continue... So, as the infant continues to grow and mature, the infant will inevitable outgrow the womb; be born, and be introduced and forced into an environment that he is hardly ready for; as it is much different than the warmth and comfort of his previous home (the warm, comfortable, safe, and loving womb of his mother).

Man is borne of his mother's womb. Upon exit of this womb, he spends a great deal of his life trying to re-enter a similar womb through his penis. Is it possible that he gets the same "motherly" love through his penis in later years via the sexual act? It's a question worth pondering, as Mother Nature is mysterious in her ways.

Yes, it is possible to flavor your penis. In fact, you can flavor it for just about any flavor you desire. However, chocolate seems to get the most responsive reactions from women. It will also work as a nifty Valentine's Day present that your girl will love if she has a cool personality. This mechanism enables long-lasting flavor through sexual intercourse and fellatio.

DISCLAIMER NOTICE: Do not try anything listed in this article until you have shared this information and discussed this information, one-on-one, with your medical doctor and your doctor has given you full permission to carry out this process.

This is going to feel like an episode from that old PBS TV show ZOOM!

This takes time, is complicated, and isn't cheap. However, if used properly, with the right woman, it has incredible results that are unobtainable in any other manner! This is truly one of the most mind-blowing things you can ever do with the right woman.

This process of penis flavoring is based on an endogenous mechanism. Meaning, that the flavor originates from within the man's body. It is not an exogenous (originating from outside of the body) mechanism, like spraying something like chocolate-scented perfume on your penis, for example.

Following these directions will make your penis, testicles, and surrounding pelvic area taste and smell like chocolate.

You will need:

1) One, 48 ounce Bottle of Hershey's Chocolate Syrup (Or something similar - It must be sweetened)

2) One, One-Half Gallon of Sweetened Soy Milk (Silk Original Organic Soy Milk works great) - Do Not Use Cow's Milk

3) Vanilla Extract (small bottle)

4) Chocolate Oil (Flavoring) - A small bottle of chocolate oil. You can find this in grocery stores and even organic grocery stores. It can also be found in stores which sell baking supplies and candy supplies.

5) One, Single Bunch of Celery (about ten stalks)

6) Some Small Towels

7) Three Non-Lubricated and Non-Scented Latex Condoms (the looser fitting the better)


8) Some Saran Wrap or Comparable

9) Blender

10) Fluid thermometer

11) Roll of paper towels

12) A Container that holds more than a half-gallon of fluid that you can put in the refrigerator if your blender won't hold up to a gallon of fluid.

The Hershey's (or comparable) Chocolate Syrup is absolutely necessary. The vanilla extract is optional but seems to accentuate the chocolate taste and smell. Chocolate oil can be optional, too, especially if you have difficulty finding it, but your results will work much better with the chocolate oil than without it. The soy milk is optional, too, and water can be utilized instead. However, the penis flavoring will not be as intense,as the chocolate flavor seems to bind better with the soy milk and enhances the sweetness of the overall flavoring and scent. Cow's milk tends to make the penile flavor a little sour, so don't use cow's milk. The celery is optional, too, but you will have much better results if you eat some celery, as celery is a natural vasodilator and will help in the flavoring process.

To Chocolate Flavor Your Penis for Saturday Night:

Here's how it works. Let's start on a Wednesday. For two days, stop ingesting anything that is fried or processed. Keep away from anything with a strong aroma (like fish). Do not eat any meat products (especially fish). Keep away from spicy and strong foods and stay far away from strong flavor enhancers, such as soy sauce. Drink lots and lots of water. No booze, beer, coffee, or sodas. Stick with fruits and vegetables that are not very aromatic (no lemons, for example) for your diet for these two days. Grains are good. If you eat bread, ensure the bread does not contain yeast. Nuts are good, too, but try to avoid roasted and/or salted nuts. Again, drink lots and lots of water.

Try your best to be active and sweat as much as possible during these two days. Workout, take a hot sauna, sit in a hot tub (yes, one sweats in a hot tub), take hot showers... Sweat as much as possible!

Try to eat three celery stalks each day. One in the morning, noon, and night.

NOTE: These two prep days can be optional. However, your results will be severely compromised (especially if you don't sweat) if you do so. You can amplify the chocolate-flavor results if you prep (the same way) for more than two days!

After two days we arrive to Friday. Your last meal should be around 12:00 PM, eat a decent breakfast and lunch and stick with the dietary recommendations we already outlined. You will now fast (that means no eating) for the rest of the day and evening except for having three stalks of celery for the rest of the day and evening. If you have to eat something, eat something bland with almost no flavor.

Try not to drink much of anything, including water from noon until you fall asleep. Absolutely no beer, booze, coffee, or sodas.

Wake up Saturday morning at least by 9:00 AM. Plan on staying indoors for the day and staying cool with little physical activity. Eat a stalk of celery. Don't drink anything or eat anything else unless you can't stand it.

Take a hot shower and use soap, especially in your genital region. After using soap, scrub your genital area down with a soapless washcloth or small brush, this includes your penis and testicles. Try to ensure that you wash all the soap away from your genital region. Dry off completely - 100%! Sit around for about ten minutes to let your body re-equilibrate to normal temperatures. Use clean underwear and dress in loose-fitting clothes that are free of cologne and that sort of thing.


At 10:00 AM, get your blender, add the soy milk and all of the 48-ounce bottle of sweetened chocolate syrup in the blender. Add a capful of vanilla extract. Add ten drops of chocolate oil. Mix this vigorously for at least two to three minutes (again, in the blender). This will make about eight to nine, eight-ounce glasses of chocolate-flavored soy milk. Remember, continue to fast, apart from the celery, and don't drink ANYTHING else apart from the chocolate-flavored milk, unless you are going to pass out and can't take it.

Drink one glass of this milk immediately. Place the remainder in the refrigerator.

Drink another glass at 11:00 AM. Mix, again, in the blender if you can.

Drink a third glass at 12:00 PM and eat a stalk of celery. Mix, again, in the blender if you can (don't blend the celery).

Drink a fourth glass at 1:00 PM. Mix, again, in the blender if you can.

Drink a fifth glass at 2:00 PM and eat a stalk of celery. Mix, again, in the blender if you can.

At 3:00 PM, place one of your small towels in a pot of water and heat it on the stove to 95-degrees Fahrenheit using a fluid thermometer. This is about half of water's boiling point but isn't hot enough to scald the skin. WARNING - Do not heat to more than 95-degrees Fahrenheit!

Create a semi-hard erection (75% erect) and slip on a non-lubricated, non-scented latex condom that will work better if it is very loose-fitting. This originally was developed using Saran Wrap to loosely wrap the penis. However, people are concerned with off-gasing and poisons that might leach out if you utilize Saran Wrap. Saran Wrap is much easier to use and works much, much, much better than a condom, however, it's your call. If this is a concern of yours, utilize the latex condoms and get the largest possible size to fit as loosely as possible! The loose-fittingness is very important. Now wrap a layer of paper towels so that your penis is covered at least three times. Drape some Saran Wrap around your testicles and inner thighs so that the skin is covered in these areas (Again, if you are concerned about Saran Wrap toxicity, then use some alternative that is safe, such as polyethylene). Add a layer or two of paper towels on top of the Saran Wrap (or comparable non-toxic plastic wrap).

Remove the towel from the hot water and wring it out so that it still has water saturation, but doesn't really drip all over the place. Wrap it around your ankle or forearm to get a feeling for whether or not you can stand the temperature. If it is acceptable, wrap the towel around your penis so that it wraps around at least three or four times. Tuck the towel over the penis head so the entire penis is insulated. Make sure it is nice and snug, but not choking your penis.

Carefully drape the towel over your testicular region and carefully monitor if it is too hot or not. Be careful and notice if the temperature is too high or not!

Safety Test: Wait a minute or so and remove the towels and condom (or Saran Wrap). Your penis should be slightly red with no evidence of scalding or burning. If these temperatures seem acceptable for you, rewrap your penis and testicular areas with the same condom (or Saran Wrap). Reheat the towels in the water at 95-degrees Fahrenheit, wring the towels out as we did previously, and wrap your penis again and cover your testicular area with the towels. Sitting or laying down is acceptable. You can add another hot towel (or even dry) over the entire region, if you wish, for extra insulation. Close your legs and tuck your abdomen (within comfortable reason). Don't move around. After five minutes, remove the towels and condom (or Saran Wrap or comparable). Gently towel down your penis, testicular, and involved areas with a dry towel - 100%. The areas will be moist. Let your penis and pelvic region re-equilibrate to their normal temperatures. Get dressed again.

Drink a sixth glass at 3:00 PM. Mix again in the blender if you can.

Drink a seventh glass at 4:00 PM and eat a stalk of celery. Mix the chocolate milk, again, in the blender if you can.

After drinking, repeat the condom (or Saran Wrap), paper towel, and hot/moist towel process, again, for five minutes of coverage.

Drink an eighth and final glass (or whatever is left) at 5:00 PM. Mix again in the blender if you can before consuming.

At 6:00 PM repeat the condom (or Saran Wrap), paper towel, and hot/moist towel process, again, for TEN MINUTES this time. Gently towel down your genital region when you are finished. Re-equilibrate your pelvic/penis region to normal temperatures (about ten minutes). Get dressed.

Your penis will now smell and taste like chocolate. Don't take a shower and DON'T spray any type of cologne or anything like that around your genital region. When you get dressed up to go out that night, ensure that you are NOT wearing any pants, underwear, or shirts that have any type of cologne (or similar substances) on them.

Try not to go out dancing or do anything athletic. If you do, your entire body will smell slightly chocolaty and will reduce the impact of just having your genitals having this smell/flavor. Don't go out and eat all kinds of crap food, especially if it is spicy, strong, or aromatic. Stick to drinking water for the night. No booze, beer, coffee, or sodas.

Some more notes: Be extra careful with applying the hot towels! Skin temperature is about 90-degrees Fahrenheit, so 95 degrees (which will be reduced a bit after wringing and applying) should be enough to stimulate a good sweat without burning you. However, everyone is different and some people may be more temperature sensitive than others, so PLAY IT SAFE AND TEST YOURSELF FULLY BEFORE FULLY WRAPPING AND PROCEEDING.

The chocolate milk will be strong (in taste), but shouldn't be too potent. Increasing the amount of chocolate flavorings will increase the chocolate taste in your penis. It all depends on what level you can tolerate to drink. Obviously, the more chocolated fluid you can drink, and the more chocolated that fluid is, will result in a more chocolaty penis.

Good luck!

The process that allows a man to flavor his penis is based on the sweating mechanism of the male body. As you may be aware, for example, that if someone indulges in large amounts of garlic, when they start to sweat copiously, the garlic will be passed through their sweat glands to be released onto the skin. If you smell the skin of someone who eats copious amounts of garlic and who is sweating, their skin will smell like garlic. If you taste their skin, it will also taste like garlic.

Thankfully, the majority of the penis has sweat glands and does, indeed, sweat. However, the glans (head) has very few sweat glands. The regions around the penis, including the testicles, also have sweat glands. So, Have a peek here it is possible to flavor the entire region, apart from the penile head.

Now, here is the BEST part! As the interior of the mouth and vagina are hotter than the exterior of the penis, and due to the increased heat being generated through friction of fellatio and during sexual intercourse, the penis will sweat during these acts.

This means that the smell and flavor of the chocolate will continue through sexual intercourse and during fellatio, however, it will grow (in smell and flavor) during these acts! That is, of course, until the "flavoring" is eliminated from the body.

The sweating mechanism (apart from the apcorine sweat glands) are constantly "reloaded" (by the body), so the sweating mechanism is continual (until the body becomes too dehydrated). What happens is the capillary-rich bulbs of the sweat glands absorb fluid from the blood to convert into sweat. These bulbs continually pull fluid from the blood, endlessly, except when the body becomes too dehydrated.

So, this is why the chocolate flavor will continue to appear in the penis (and surrounding areas), even through hours of sex (again, until the "flavoring" is eliminated or broken down by the body).

Bon Appetit!

Georg von Neumann